Dance Band Days: 1976-07-26

  1. Stomp Off, Let’s Go! – Carroll Gibbons & The Savoy Orpheans – 23 October 1925
  2. Tina – Billy Scott-Coomber with Jack Payne & His Band – October 1934
  3. Lost My Rhythm, Lost My Music, Lost My Man – Evelyn Dall with Ambrose & His Orchestra – June 1936
  4. Hands Across The Table – Dan Donovan with Henry Hall & The BBC Dance Orchestra – January 1935
  5. Stop! You’re Breaking My Heart – Mary Lee and The Cubs with Roy Fox & His Orchestra – October 1937
  6. Where In The World? – Len Camber with Geraldo & His Orchestra – August 1942
  7. Henderson Stomp – Frank Weir & His Astor Club Seven – 28 May 1945

6 thoughts on “Dance Band Days: 1976-07-26

  1. Wow, what a site, great to hear this all again. Really radio 3 should be re broadcasting this, maybe the might attract some listeners! Well done, long forwards to the big band sound.

    1. Many thanks, Christopher. I’m thinking of letting the BBC Genome site know about these recordings – hopefully the Beeb doesn’t respond with a take-down notice!

  2. Steve this really is the A Plus Ultra of websites that I will visit. You have set yourself a very high standard. Lashings of memories of Alan Dell.

    One tiny niggle. Alan sounds rather high pitched and light on the 26 July 1976 session. Is it playing a tad fast?

    1. Richard: Thanks for the kind comments! Lashings indeed… and lots more to come when I can find some time. It does sound like Alan’s been at the helium on this show. I’ll have to go back to my original transfer – I THINK it’s one of mine. Watch this space 🙂

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